​​​​If you feel you are put on this earth for a Special Purpose...
I am calling you out!

Breakthrough Retreat

Who would you be and what would you do, if you couldn't fail?

When you connect with your legacy, you have a calling that pulls you forward. 

We’re talking about changing your life.  We’re talking about living your legacy, and how you’re going to make it happen.

Fertility Journey

Are you trying to have a baby?

Have you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a while, and maybe you have done IVF, you’ve changed your lifestyle, and more but so far nothing has worked. But deep down you feel that motherhood is part of your calling?

Don’t give up hope. ​

Soul Purpose Program

Are You Ready To Say Yes To Your Soul And Step Into A New Chapter? .. . Good.

Because your Soul has been waiting for you to answer her call.

Are you tired of playing small because deep in your heart you know you’re born for an extraordinary life?

Perhaps you feel you have a unique talent or gift to share with the world, but you don’t know exactly what it is?

Who would you be if you followed the truth of Your heart?

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Saskia Röell

For over 20 years Saskia has been known as Soul Purpose Expert. She has coached thousands of people around the world to fully step into their life's purpose.  Saskia is a world renowned Soul Purpose & Fertility Coach. She is also a  Bestselling Author; she has co-authored with Jack Canfield and Deepak Chopra.  She was recently interviewed on NBC and Fox News.

Saskia has worked with people from all walks of life, from the 7 figure business owners to Oprah Winfrey's staff members.  Saskia’s clients don’t sacrifice: they learn how to balance and be successful in their Soul’s calling and personal life.

In 2001 Saskia came to America with her family of seven. Without jobs or contacts, hardly any money, and five kids who didn’t speak a word of English to pursue her biggest dream.

Saskia was a Faculty member of Behavioral-Social Sciences in the Dept. of Experimental Psychology at the Rijksuniversiteit in The Netherlands. She has certificates in Naturopathy, Transformational Energy Healing, Master Training Integrative Life Healing Coaching, Advanced Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Somatic Healing, Certified Akashic Record Reader, Birthing and Fertility Therapy.

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